Attention Single Ladies:

If you’re tired of the dead-end relationships and ready to position yourself to attract the relationship of your dreams, then read on, because we're about to show you…

How to build your legacy while you position yourself to become the wife that God has ordained you to be (and Without the Frustration of Sacrificing Your Morals OR Your Values)!

Imagine having someone by your side teaching you how attract commitment-focused, relationship-ready men of substance. It’s not as impossible as it sounds…

If there’s one thing nearly all single, professional women and female entrepreneurs have in common, it’s that they truly don’t want to waste any more time playing games with "Mr. Wrong". These women want more!

* They’re tired of the games.

* They want to be able to share their lives with someone without settling.

* They are ready for the kind of love relationship that they’ve always desired and deserve to have.

But there’s a problem. Relationships and dating can —by their very nature— be confusing and hard to figure out. Unfortunately, no one has created a process and crafted blueprint to relationship success...Until Now!

If you’ve found yourself expending precious time and valuable energy in unfruitful relationships, then you know the frustrations of dating. But imagine being able to…

Experience Love on Your Terms

Well guess what…you can and you don’t have to figure out the answers to these most common challenges alone:

  • Overcoming the fear of repeating past mistakes
  • Struggling to let go of the pain of the past
  • Truly realizing your worth and not being afraid to demand the respect you deserve.
  • Mastering the art of reciprocating his interest without scaring him off.
  • Knowing exactly how to respond to specific questions from men and how to react in different dating scenarios

It simply requires a roadmap detailing where you are currently and where you desire to be, a step-by-step blueprint of the exact steps you need to take, AND someone who's been where you are and who knows the way! But right now, you’re thinking…

“Where in the world will I find all of that?!”

We get it. But like we said earlier, it’s not impossible.

Since you don’t have anymore time and energy to waste, we’ve created a process to help you experience the love you long for without fear, frustration, and disappointments.

Not only will you be able to let go of the past and reposition yourself for a future full of love and trust-worthy relationships, you'll do so without losing your voice so that you can walk in your feminine grace.

In fact, you have almost everything you need to make this a reality within you. You just need someone to teach you how to tap into what you already possess. We’re not going to lie, there’s one more piece of the puzzle to make all of this come together, but we promise it will lessen your frustrations and be more impactful than what you’re doing now, and it will put you in proper position to become the wife you desire to be…


The F.L.O.W. Mentorship!!!

You’ve given your heart. You invested your time. You’ve dedicated to yourself to these relationships. But you’re still struggling with frustrations and disappointment because you feel as though you have to compromise, settle, or lower your standards in order to attract the man of your dreams! We KNOW what you’re going through.

By following our proven 4-Step FLOW process, you can immediately apply powerful and proven strategies, and go from struggling with one failed relationship after another to F.L.O.W.-ing into your rightful position as a wife. It sounds unattainable, but this program is PACKED with fantastic information to get your roadmap and blueprint created. Oh...and did we mention that we will be there to guide you each step of the way! That's right!! We will be right there with you over the next 10 months...coaching you through the tough spots, and mentoring you through times of uncertainty.

We are committed to seeing you succeed. So, as a part of our 10 month long mentorship, you have to our course portal where your video trainings and lesson worksheets are located. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during our Weekly Live Q&A Sessions. You also have access to our calendar for scheduling up to two 45-Minute Private 1-on-1 Sessions every month. In addition, you also get unlimited email access and after hours FB Direct Message support (for the 1st 3 months).

Step 1: Finding Your Voice

If you've ever felt as though you lose your own identity or felt apprehensive to voicing your true thoughts and opinions while in a relationship, it's time for you to find your voice. Not only will you become confident in speaking your truth, you'll also learn exactly how to respond to various questions and situations that arise during the dating process.

During the first phase of the process, we’ll:

Determine Exactly Where You Are – Because let’s face it, if you don’t know your current location, you can’t possibly map out the route to where you desire to be (but don’t worry, this section makes it easy).

Understand You True Worth – Once you understand your true worth and come to appreciate the value that you possess, never again with you be silenced by insecurities or settle for less that you deserve.

Re-brand Your Personal Identity – You don't have to allow your past to define you. Now that you are repositioning yourself, you also get to recreate and rebrand personal identity to align with the new you!

Step 2: Letting Go of the Past

Now that we have determined your mental, emotional, spiritual and emotional locations in phase 1, it's time to get rid of the things that cannot accompany you on your road to purpose.

The second phase of the program is all about:

Identifying & Overcoming Past & Current Fears – Before you can overcome the fears that have been paralyzing you and holding you captive to the past, you have to pinpoint exactly what those fears are and where they stem from.

Severing Soul Ties & Breaking Strongholds –We will discuss soul ties versus strong holds. You will learn the difference between the two and then learn strategies to break yourself free from the chains of bondage from both.

Forgiving Yourself & Others – In order to move forward, you will have to free yourself from the weight of the past. This means that forgiveness is in order. Not only will you walk in the choice of forgiving others, you'll also learn to forgive yourself.

Step 3: Opening Your Heart

Once we've been hurt, one of the hardest things to do is to opening up and trusting someone with your heart again. We understand it, and that's why we will be walking with you every step of the way.

In phase 3 of the program, we set you up with the tools and strategies for successful dating, like:

Attracting a Man of Substance – It's not your job to "find a good man"! It's your job to show up in a way that will attract a man of true substance and character. The tools that we share in these lessons are come from research and surveys that we have conducted with single, professional, Christian men

The Do's & Don'ts of Dating – There are some definite guidelines to dating successfully. From how to present yourself to how to establish healthy boundaries...and you'll learn them here.

Courting -vs- Dating – We will address the different stages of the relationship cycle and what you should expect in each phase.

Step 4: Walking In Your Feminine Grace

Phase 4 of the program is packed with very practical and actionable tools, tips, and strategies that you will need when you are considering taking your commitment to the next level. And after all of the work you put into getting prepared, the last thing you want to do is play games.

That's precisely why in the final phase of the program you will learn how to walk in your feminine grace and:

How to Tell If a Man Really Into You – Let's face it, not every man that approaches you, will be sincere in his interest or motives. So, you get the insider info and learn (from a man's perspective) how to ensure that you are not allowing yourself to be manipulated in the dating process.

Identifying If He's "The One" – We help you take the guess work out of this age-old question of "Is he the one?".

Getting Him to Commit – Now that you are dating, and you've determined that he’s into you, we need to address getting a man to commit to the relationship and to be committed to you.

Understanding the Roles & Responsibilities of Being a Wife - Yes, you know that "he who finds a wife, finds a good thing", but do you really know what being a wife entails from a biblical standpoint? Do you know what it looks like to a man? You will after this final module of the program!

Learn How to Tell If A Man Is Being Sincere in His Interest or If He’s Playing Games

If you are ready to put an end to the games and position yourself to attract the man of your dreams, this is where you can start. We have the tips, tricks, and knowledge to help you create a roadmap and develop a blueprint that will take your relationship to the next level!

This program has everything you need to be successful! It’s time to take all the work you have put in over YEARS and start to see positive results. You’re a beautiful woman and worthy of true love! It’s time to learn your true value knowledge and start receiving the level love, respect, and commitment you deserve!

It’s time to make some changes in how you approach relationships! Let us mentor you through the process of creating a roadmap detailing where you are currently and where you desire to be. Then allow us to walk you through building a step-by- step blueprint of the exact steps you need to take in order to experience the love you long for! You will find all of this and more in our proven 4-Step FLOW Process.

Quit spending all your valuable time and energy trying to figure out dating and relationships on your own! With your roadmap, your blueprint, and our proven process, you’ll be prepared to F.L.O.W. into your position as a wife in no time! We’re excited to help you to create your own FLOW.

Peace & Blessings,

Brent & Angel Rhodes

Click Here to Register Today!



$12,500 One-Time Payment

or $837.50 Monthly

after $4125 Deposit


  • 1:1 Roadmapping Session
  • Monthly Mentee Only Q&A Session
  • 2 Monthly 1:1 Accountability Coaching
  • Monthly Ask the Expert Training
  • Mentorship VIP Ticket - 2025 Conference

  • 1 B2B LIVE VIP Retreat Ticket

  • 1 Year Access to Course Portal
  • Access to Brent & Angel via Text/Direct Message
  • Access to "Hear It From Him"
  • 1 Life Line Call each Quarter
  • Replays of Monthly Q&A & 1-on-1 Strategy Sessions




$1950 One-Time Payment

or $275 Bi-Weekly


  • 1:1 Roadmapping Session
  • Monthly Mentee Only Q&A Session
  • 2 Monthly 1:1 Accountability Coaching
  • Monthly Ask the Expert Training
  • Mentorship VIP Ticket - 2025 Conference

  • 1 Discounted B2B LIVE VIP Retreat Ticket

  • 8 Month Access to Course Portal

  • Access to Brent & Angel via Text/Direct Message
  • Access to "Hear It From Him"
  • 1 Life Line Call

  • Replays of Monthly Q&A & 1-on-1 Strategy Sessions

This program is valued at over $35,000!

What Our Beauties Are Saying:


I am more adjusted to being single while I am preparing for who God has for me. There is not a sense of anxiety or urgency as I had at one point; but I am ready to be a good wife and help-meet to someone when that time comes. I found the support and advice in regard to what to look for, the practical tips and information on what to say and or do in particular situations to be most beneficial.

Mary B.


I feel more equipped to deal with vague texts from a man and not seem so anxious to have conversation. I know more about asking specific questions and listening to his answers. Hearing from the men at the end of the course was priceless. I really love the cohesiveness and team work between Brent and Angel. Her sisterly way of giving advice. Brent’s real talk from a man’s point of view . I love how the Biblical principles are used to help guide us through singleness.

Deloris M.


Thank you very much for your patience with me and your willingness to serve God’s daughters. This ministry has truly exceeded my expectation or perception pertaining periscope. I would have never imagined meeting such a dynamic couple through a social media service pursuing to change singles life one soul at a time.

Dr. Janet A.


Participating in the program with Brent and Angel was truly a privilege. They are a couple walking closely to God, operating in their gifts and are very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. They are also passionate about people realizing their potential and living this out in their relationships. I've since had the opportunity at work to "charge my worth" and doors have opened like I've never experienced before.

Heather S.


The program was great! It got me out of my comfort zone. The live panel was great and gave good insight into how men think and what they are looking for. Thank you for the opportunity to grow!

Angeleka S.


Angel and Brent have been the catalyst to my finally stopping to assess my singleness after being married for 13 years then divorced. As a minister and men always acting like they are afraid to date me, I had almost given up on ever being married again until connecting with Marriage of God. They helped me realize my worth. Their advice and wise counsel cut to the core of the matter and the advice and direction they give you works. I love that they are so transparent about their journey when they were single so that it can help us and find us right where we are in our singleness to move us forward. I thank God for them praying for us too. Once in the Marriage of God family, you’re covered! Because they pray for us, we know to pray for each other; their classes are not classes, but family getting together to help each other succeed in this journey. Love you Brent & Angel!

Darlene H.

Frequently Asked Questions



The mentorship session start at the time your application is approve and your first payment is received. It runs for 6 or 12 months. Live sessions take place Tuesday evenings at 7:00PM CST.



NO, you do not! The beauty of this program is that it is held virtually. All course work and face-to-face meetings are held online.



Course content is delivered via our online portal so that you can access your material whenever and where ever you choose. It's a LIFETIME ACCESS!



YES! We will have Face-to-Face meetings weekly to discuss your specific concerns and to answer your questions.


Brent & Angel Rhodes

Founders of the Bae to Bride Movement

Certified Christian Relationship Coaches,

Publisher Authors, & Speakers

We are Brent and Angel Rhodes, founders of the Bae to Bride Movement and CEO’s of Marriage of God, LLC. We work together as marriage and relationship coaches. It is their passion and absolute pleasure to link arms with single women and teach them how to navigate the dating space so that they can successfully go From Bae to Bride. Using biblical principles, we equip our clients with life-changing, actionable strategies that foster mutual love, respect and commitment in their relationships.

We have had the honor of working with numerous single women and have helped 31 of them to get into position to become wives over the past 5 years! We would love the opportunity to help you.