Beautiful and Accomplished Single Women of Faith

Welcome to The Ring Blueprint! 

Are you successful in your career and education, but struggling to find TRUE LOVE?

Do you feel like you've done everything right, but still can't seem to attract the right man?

Beautiful and Accomplished Single Women of Faith

Welcome to The Ring Blueprint! 

Are you successful in your career and education, but struggling to find TRUE LOVE?

Do you feel like you've done everything right, but still can't seem to attract the right man?

Well, my name is Angel Rhodes, and I'm here to tell you that you're not alone.

As a Christian relationship coach, I've seen too many incredible women just like you who are wondering why they haven't found their happily ever after. But let me tell you something, ladies - it's not your fault. Society has led us to believe that we have to choose between our careers and love, but that's simply not true. You can have it all - the successful career and the loving relationship.

That's why Brent & I have created The Ring Blueprint, an 8-week course designed to help you attract the right man and build a happy, fulfilling relationship.

Explore How We Can Help You

In The Ring Blueprint, we'll teach you the secrets to being irresistible to a man.

You'll learn how to get him to date you and how to tell if he's really into you. You'll discover how to counter a man's manipulation and get him to commit to you. And most importantly, you'll learn how to stop chasing him and get him to chase you.

We will cover everything you need to know to make a man fall head over heels for you. From body language, communication skills, and dating strategies, to understanding men's psychology, building confidence, and getting him to commit, you will learn the proven techniques that have helped over 40 women find their purpose partners.

Our Offer

This is not your typical dating course.

We will be using biblical principles and values to guide you on your journey to finding true love. Brent & I will show you how to align your mind and heart with God's plan for your love life, so you can attract the man He has in store for you.

So, this course is not just for anyone, it's specifically for high-achieving single women of faith who want to attract a partner that's aligned with their values and beliefs.

Why You Want to Attract Your Mr. Right…

In a time of “hot girl and hot boy summer”, closely followed by “cuffing season” … it’s easy for the value of meaningful relationships to become distorted. But you can enjoy a man’s company without sacrificing your abstinence. Instead of walking around fearful and guarded, you can open your heart to love again.

You don’t have to buy into the feminist mindset that successful women aren’t supposed to desire marriage.

You don’t have to choose one or the other…you can have it all! The good news is…

Anyone Can Learn How To Date Intentionally…

  • Stop attracting the wrong type of man

  • Put an end to the dead-end relationships

  • Easily attract the man of your dreams

  • Build a relationship filled with a lifetime of love

So, if attracting my Purpose Partner is so easy, why am I still single?

The Ring Blueprint is designed to help you find true love without compromising your faith and your values.

In this 8 week group coaching program you will learn:

  • How to make yourself irresistible to men so that you can date with confidence

  • How to get a man to date you so that can stop feeling like he's ashamed of you

  • How to determine if he's really into you so that you can stop playing guessing games

  • How to counter a man's man-ipulation so that can eliminate unnecessary pain and frustration

  • How to get him to commit so that you can take your relationship to the next level

  • How to stop chasing him & get him to chase after you so that you can finally retire your track shows and be treated like the prize

And the best part? You'll be part of a community of women who are going through the same journey as you. You'll have access to our private Facebook group, where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and get support from other women who understand what you're going through.

So, if you're tired of being alone, tired of settling for less than you deserve, and tired of feeling like there's something wrong with you…The Ring Blueprint is the perfect course for you. Don't let society dictate your love life any longer. It's time to take control of your love life and learn the skills you need to attract the right man who will cherish and adore you for who you are.

Don't let another year go by without finding the love you desire and deserve.

Join The Ring Blueprint today and take the first step towards positioning yourself to attract the man of your dreams.

Sign up now and let's get started on creating the Blueprint for your success story.

TRB is an 8 week group coaching program with two registration tiers:

Platinum $997

  • Course Workbook

  • 5 Biweekly Live Group Coaching Sessions

  • (1) 1-on-1 Strategy Session

  • Access to “Hear It From Him” Single Men Panel at the end of the program

  • One General Admission Ticket to our Live Bae to Bride Conference

Gold $497

  • Course Workbook

  • 1 Live Group Coaching Session

  • 10% discount on Live Bae to Bride Conference Ticket

What our beauties are saying


I am more adjusted to being single while I am preparing for who God has for me. There is not a sense of anxiety or urgency as I had at one point; but I am ready to be a good wife and help-meet to someone when that time comes. I found the support and advice in regard to what to look for, the practical tips and information on what to say and or do in particular situations to be most beneficial.

Mary B.


I feel more equipped to deal with vague texts from a man and not seem so anxious to have conversation. I know more about asking specific questions and listening to his answers. Hearing from the men at the end of the course was priceless. I really love the cohesiveness and team work between Brent and Angel. Her sisterly way of giving advice. Brent’s real talk from a man’s point of view . I love how the Biblical principles are used to help guide us through singleness.

Deloris M.


Thank you very much for your patience with me and your willingness to serve God’s daughters. This ministry has truly exceeded my expectation or perception pertaining periscope. I would have never imagined meeting such a dynamic couple through a social media service pursuing to change singles life one soul at a time.

Dr. Janet A.


Participating in the program with Brent and Angel was truly a privilege. They are a couple walking closely to God, operating in their gifts and are very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. They are also passionate about people realizing their potential and living this out in their relationships. I've since had the opportunity at work to "charge my worth" and doors have opened like I've never experienced before.

Heather S.


The program was great! It got me out of my comfort zone. The live panel was great and gave good insight into how men think and what they are looking for. Thank you for the opportunity to grow!

Angeleka S.


Angel and Brent have been the catalyst to my finally stopping to assess my singleness after being married for 13 years then divorced. As a minister and men always acting like they are afraid to date me, I had almost given up on ever being married again until connecting with Marriage of God. They helped me realize my worth. Their advice and wise counsel cut to the core of the matter and the advice and direction they give you works. I love that they are so transparent about their journey when they were single so that it can help us and find us right where we are in our singleness to move us forward. I thank God for them praying for us too. Once in the Marriage of God family, you’re covered! Because they pray for us, we know to pray for each other; their classes are not classes, but family getting together to help each other succeed in this journey. Love you Brent & Angel!

Darlene H.

Meet Some of Our Brides


I was in a very broken and lost place, and that's not just coming from a relational standpoint. Spiritually, mentally, physically I was in a very dark place. I was in school and I was in a job that I really did not like, and I had just broken up with my boyfriend. It seemed like everything was kind of hitting at once. But I thought, yeah my boyfriend and I had broken up, but, so what! I'm in charge of what happens in my future!! So, I decided to sign up for the class, I came in with an open mind, and I want to say the rest is history!

I left SOS with so much more than I could ever pay you all back for. The price that I paid to take the class was a minute in comparison to everything that I learned. What’s happened after the course, has really been a fairy tale!


When I came across you all, I was at a very low point in life and I really was about to give up on dating. I was just at the point where I felt like maybe being in a relationship is not for me. That's literally the point I was at because to be honest, I was attracting the exact type of men, I thought that I wanted, but they weren’t treating me like the queen that I am. I had to deal with the heartache, the abuse, and their cheating. I realized that I was attracting these men, but I wasn’t happy. In fact, they were really tearing me down inside instead of building me up. You helped me that I had to change my mindset. Now, I’m happily married

Brent & Angel Rhodes

Marriage of God, LLC

Master Relationship Coaches,

Authors & Speakers

About Us

We are Master Relationship Coaches, Brent and Angel Rhodes. We are known throughout social media as Marriage of God. Brent and I started out at the tender age of 15 as high school sweethearts and have now been together for over 3 decades.

We often refer to our journey together as The Road Less Traveled. Together we have overcome single parenting, incarceration and military deployments...and still we rise!

We now use the lessons that we have learned along the way to coach and mentor single women who have achieved success in their education and career, but struggle with finding real love to push past their insecurities and past mistakes, and teach them how to successfully date with intention and purpose so that they can attract the life and relationship that they dream of.

It is our passion and absolute pleasure to use biblical principles, to equip our clients with life-changing, actionable strategies that foster mutual love, respect and commitment in their relationships and marriages.

We have had the honor of working with numerous single women and have helped 42 of them to get into position to become engaged...30 of whom are now married.

We would love the opportunity to help you too!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does class start?

Class starts April 4, 2023 and runs for 8 weeks. Live sessions take place Tuesday evenings at 6:00PM CST.

What is my time commitment?

Live sessions are scheduled bi-weekly for one hour. It is strongly suggested you allot 1 hour during the week to complete the assignments.

Do we have lifetime access to the course?

No, the course is limited to the 10 weeks plus 3 additional weeks for catchup, support, and questions. However, you will have the workbook to help you should you not finish before the end of class.

Do you have a refund policy?

Of course. Once have signed in to the online portal, you have 7 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all, you’re not 100% satisfied with what you’re learning, simply email your cancellation request/notice to, and we’ll refund every penny of your investment… No questions asked! After 7 days, there will be no refund.

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